Thursday, January 30, 2020


The BBFC film certificate is provided at the beginning of a film to help families with young children especially, decide what's appropriate and what's not appropriate for them to go and view. 

The BBFC certificate's views are usually spot on, and therefore people can trust whether to go and watch the film, and who to take to watch, whether it be a toddler or a teenager. 


For our trailer, we needed to create a film company production identification. Our company is called ALT Media. We wanted our ident to have a different feel about it, we wanted to create something that we enjoyed making and an ident that looked futuristic, artistic and unique.

To achieve this we used a variety of different coloured inks flowing through water behind our production name.

On top of this we used a bold flashy font named 'Star Galaxy', and to combine these aspects all together we used a combination of iMovie, Photoshop and StopMotion Studio.

Friday, January 10, 2020


Larry (Survivor)

This character is the leader of the group. He is very protective of his friends however he has realised if they are to survive, they will have to leave one of the survivors (Tom) who is fatally ill. He will wear warm clothing that is worse for wear and will look hardened by the environment.

Timothy (Survivor) 

Timothy is approaching the end and this makes him heartbroken because he feels like he didn't even get a chance to see the world. He just hopes he survives to see his friends find refuge.

Clarence (Survivor)

Clarence and Timothy are brothers who found Larry whilst trying to escape from the dangers after the initial outbreak. He is determined to keep his brother alive as long as he can even though he knows he will soon pass away he only wishes his brother goes peacefully in a place he feels safe.

Lesley (Attacker)

The attacker has been driven crazy from hunger and is willing to go to any lengths in order to find his next meal. He encountered the three young survivors on their travels and has been tracking them down, hunting them ever since.


LUCAS KEECH 1636 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 I worked with THOMAS MACLEOD 9134 and ALFRED BEILL 6008  Our brief was to mak...