Wednesday, October 16, 2019


We came up with an idea to create a violent thriller. Our idea consists of a dystopian future where there is little resources such as food, drink and shelter. It comes down to survival and the people go to extreme measures to achieve this. Our initial idea was to create a murder scene and use special effects to depict blood/gore. We gathered several ideas and watched several trailers within the thriller/action genres and gathered ideas and inspiration for our trailer.

After we gathered our ideas together, we created a mind-map to present our ideas shown in the image below:

Mind-map presenting our ideas and thoughts for our film trailer

My main source of inspiration for this idea and type of film trailer was from the film El Camino. In this film, there is a theme of killing in order to survive and rough conditions and I thought that this would link in well with our film trailer idea. We took this idea, and planned our film trailer using parts from the film as inspiration.

We also chose to include costumes within the mind-map that linked in with our dystopian future and violent thriller idea. We chose to include ripped clothes to give the tense effect to the trailer. The ripped clothes would be down to the battling and fighting between the characters and would give the audience the impression of survival to the fullest effect and this may appeal to audiences who prefer action/thriller movies. We also opted to include a suited character in the film who would play a hitman who would be ordered to kill people by other people attempting to survive.

We also chose to include a few props within the film such as a balaclava and fake blood. The balaclava would add to the dramatic effect of not knowing who is behind the mask. It gives the audience a sense of mystery. Finally, the fake blood would add to the gore and violence within our trailer and would intensify fighting scenes due to the audience knowing the extreme lengths that these people are going to, to survive.

1 comment:

  1. Your planning ideas have certainly evolved over time. The most achievable scenarios would be those that do not demand impossible natural disasters. You don not want to use stock footage. Robots seem achievable. There has to be a USP - something fresh to offer the audience.



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