Monday, March 16, 2020




These trailers are to promote a film in which we follow three boys who are survivors of a unthinkable natural disaster as they battle to run away from the terrors of what is left of the world. 

The first scene depicts the impact of the global disaster where we see buildings on fire and people screaming in fear of their lives etc. Then, the scene changes to what we can assume is the aftermath of the initial wreckage of the disaster, we see a close up of a man standing with his face blocked off by a flickering fire and he mutters, "What is happening?". An intertitle lets us know this is set ten years from now. Shots of isolated and empty harbours and desolate roads make it obvious that the number of survivors are minimal.

The scene then cuts to showing the same man walking into a room where he is met by the question "How many people do you think are still alive?". A shot-reverse-shot allows us to see a very unwell man, who asked the question, and another person in a two-shot. Lucas, the man to walk into the room, replies, "In the world? Not very many." As he sits by the fire and begins to cook some food.

Afterwards, we are taken through the daily tasks of these boys the first one being, WAKE. They wake up slowly, looking ragged and defeated by their poor conditions. Then they start their second objective, SEARCH. They begin their daily search for food, water and good shelter. we see one of the survivors find a can of coke which makes them ecstatic with happiness and we see how truly desperate they are as a close up shows the expression on his face as he drinks it in a matter of seconds. 

The third mission is to KEEP MOVING. a POV of a finger tracing down a map indicates the survivors are heading towards a safe haven of some sort, or maybe running away from a threat. A variety tracking shots show the survivors trekking through fields and forests. and the final objective... HIDE. There's a shot of the survivors hiding in the shrubbery from an unknown attacker on a motorbike. A close-up of the attacker flipping his visor up shows the animalistic, frightening look in his eyes as he prowls looking for his prey. Intertitles then state: "IN A WORLD WHERE RESOURCES ARE SCARCE.... HUMAN IS ON THE MENU."

 The trailer ends with the remaining survivors running off into the distance being chased by the attacker on the motorbike. The screen then fades to black.

1 comment:


LUCAS KEECH 1636 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 I worked with THOMAS MACLEOD 9134 and ALFRED BEILL 6008  Our brief was to mak...